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Top 10 Favorite He-Man Characters

When I was a kid, I loved He-Man. The cartoon, the action figures, and the phrase "By the power of Grayskull" were all a big part of my day. Here are my Top 10 favorite He-Man characters. 

Now I'm not counting the main characters here, like He-Man, Skeletor, Man-at-Arms, or the lovely, lovely Teela... ahem, so um, just the secondary-type characters and such. Here we go:

1. Moss Man

• His action figure was sticky and it smelled like shit. When you're a kid, that's a good thing.

Moss Man
Moss Man

2. Mer-Man

• If you didn't like Mer-Man when we were growing up, we probably didn't hang out much.


3. Two-Bad

• The action figure was completely indestructible. Two-Bad is a bad-ass.


4. Stinkor

• His special power was smelling so bad it could actually maim someone. I'm all in.


5. Man-E-Faces

• One of the coolest characters ever; He could be a human, a robot, or a demon. "His strongest persona, Man-E-Monster, is also his weakest, because as a monster he can be controlled by Beast Man." Heavy...


6. Modulok

• Bar-none, the best action figure out of our entire childhood toy collection. Look at this thing!!


7. Leech

• This was another great action figure: Leech could hang on a window for days


8. Spikor

• His skin is covered in spikes and he has a trident for a left arm. 'Nuff said.


9. Kobra Khan

• He has an awesome name and he looks cool. He's in. 

Kobra Khan
Kobra Khan

10. Beast-Man

• I chose Beast-Man solely so he wouldn't break every bone in my body. The guy has a huge red mane, I don't want to mess with him. 


Honorable Mention ...


• This guy almost made the list based on his awesome name alone. Well, that, and the fact that his right hand is actually a giant metal fist.



• Has three eyes and can see in all directions. Paranoid much?


Bonus List! 

Favorite He-Man Character Names (in no particular order) ...

  • Fisto
  • Ram Man
  • Trap Jaw
  • Tri-Clops
  • Skeletor
  • Stinkor
  • Ninjor
  • Snake-Face
  • Mer-Man
  • Beast-Man
  • Kobra Khan


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